Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pablo's Broke Bike

About three weeks ago during a training ride of about 50 miles, Pablo and his bike decided to break up. It was one of those uncomfortable break ups where to the two people really still like each other and care for each other but they know it just can't be. Like marshmellows and peanut butter you know you want to eat them together all the time, I mean that fluffy nutter stuff is crazy good, but you just know it's not right.

This is what happened to Pablo. He loved his bike. Called it Sarah. Raced it. Loved it. Took her everywhere he went, we even got it painted for him. Hell he got upset if you touched it. I mean it was love. But it was not meant to be. She was too old for him, and just not ready for that kind of relationship.

So on a ride of 50 half way through, Sarah, the bike, decided to call it quites. She let go right where the head tube meets the downtube. It happened in a rip the band aid right off kind of moment too. No one saw it coming and he was devistated. There were no prior arguments, no tiffs to forshadow the break up. Just one big nasty, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!

I was right behind them when it happened and really it was all at once. Just a loud pop and it was over.

So if anybody has a 56 cm frame that needs a partner, well we are looking. He is still single and looking for a partner. We recently were introduced to another however she too was damaged and not ready to go.


Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have something, and I do not care if it is aluminum, carbon, ti, or steel. Just something the kid can ride.

1 comment:

Chad said...

What a great post! Hopefully Pablo will find another lady to love real soon...