Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saturday - Bike Valet Hours

Reminder: the bike valet will be in the "park" on the east side of 4th Ave between 7th and 8th streets...just look for Ignacio's VW vanagon.

Here is the line-up:

7am-8am: Donovan, Ashley, Julia

8am-9am: Rachel, Connor

9am-10am: Max, Logan, Connor

10am-11am: Kramer, Ashley, Julia

11am-12pm: Lizzy, Marcos, Meema

12pm-1pm: Kramer, Fernand

PLEASE be on time, and know that you are truly needed during that hour at the bike valet, not simply at the bike swap. We are there to watch over folks' bikes and to let them know how awesome El Grupo is.

If your name does not appear above, it should. Please be prepared to fill in where there are only two people listed, or wherever needed. The only exception is if you must complete all your El Tour work trade hours that day, and cannot be to the bike swap before 1pm. We could always use help with breakdown at that time, though, too.

Kathleen has offered to help (thanks!) and will be helping in the 9am -12pm window, as will Daniela during the morning hours, but this is truly about you the youth riders providing a service to the community so we are all counting on you. In addition, we will as El Grupo be selling bikes, baked-goods (thanks Julia & Ashley), and water trying to raise money to do what we do and will want your help in doing that.

It is a great day for El Grupo to really let folks know who we are, what we do, and rally support. Be prepared to do that, in addition to geeking out on bikes and such. Si se puede! Just put on a happy face like these guys...

1 comment:

kathleen said...

Suggestion: Everyone wear their El Grupo T-Shirts!!!!!