Thursday, December 3, 2009

This just in from Larry Robinson

GABA would like to know if on Monday, December 7th, starting at about 5:30PM to 7:00PM and then 8:30PM to 10:00PM if any El Grupo kids would like to help set up and take down for the Holiday potluck. It would be volunteer hours and all good stuff! Let me know, or email or call him at 237-5792, he has more info.

Also Larry would like to know if any of us can help this saturday morning with the Toys for Tots bike ride. It starts and ends at Reid Park and Larry was hoping we could do some bike valet.

Larry's message to me:

It looks like we will have a nice area to do a bike valet at the Zoo this Saturday. We should have it set up by 10:00 am, probably would use a minimum of 4 to 6 El Groupos to manage it it is a large area it would last till about 12:30. I can be there to help set up and bring supplies like signs,table ,chairs ,rope etc. Also Pam can use some help with cleanup after the pot luck. So come early eat then cleanup. I would help to get anyone home who needs it as they will be late on a school night. Also my Mom likes the Idea of helping us out with a dinner in the campground on the Salt River Ride,something else to plan.


Kathleen said...

Logan and I will go Monday night to help set up if anyone want to go with us. I'm gonna let Larry know that we may not stay for take down just because of the latest and being on school night. If anyone else can help, call me at 245-6711.
I can transport up to 3 more folks from the clubhouse.

Unknown said...

Max will get a ride and be there with Logan and Kathleen for the set up.