Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Practice Schedule

Well folks you are out of school and it is hot out. So it's time to start waking up early and pedaling with the rising sun. So schedule is as follows:

Starting June 2nd Wednesday

tuesday morn- 6:00- 8:00am ish
wednesday morn- 6:30- 8:30am ish
thursday morn- 6:30- 8:00am ish

Saturday- Shoot out- if you dare
Old Man- 5:45am start SUPER SHARP
Big Boy- 6:00am start SUPER SHARP

Sunday morning- 6:30- till it's over

I hope this works for you all and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Also if you want to go to Durango I will hope to see your dedication this summer via coming to practice and working hard. Durango will be the gift of a summers effort.



Anonymous said...

Hey ignacio i have no way of getting to practice in the mornings:/

Matt said...

i figured out a swimming vs cycling schedule, i'm going to swim weekdays except for thursdays when i will cycle, and i will also ride sundays and once i'm ready i'll do the shootout on saturdays as well.

the reason i wasn't there today was because today is my first swim meet and i didn't want to be baked before i had to race.

Ignacio & Daniela said...

Great to hear Matthew. We will be very excited to have you back. As for the shoot out, really if you and your Dad, Dean, wanted to start to come out and just week by week get faster that is something you could try. I am very happy to talk with you about and excited to hear about you first meet of the season.