Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Spring Break 2009!!!! Wow it was just like as seen on TV. We had an epic adventure, survived getting snowed on, climbed a mountain, crashed and tacod wheels, scavenged Easter eggs in a hunt to the chocolate, got rained on, and we loved it. 13 youth riders participated, 3 adults rode most of the days and Daniela well she was the most indispensible person on the whole trip.

How did it go, and where?
Day 1 Tucson to Madera Canyon 50 miles

Well we left town, the club house, and finally left from right out side my house on Thursday at approximately 11am. We headed south on Mission for two hours until we finaly got to the bridge and decided to take our first break. Of couse we had already attained 2 flats but folks were still happy and the bridge came just at the right time. We continued on and it wasn't until three and half hours later that we finaly stopped again for lunch. Daniela met us at the bottom of the climb of Madera Canyon and we ate in the shadows of the Gelato Shop. Everyone at this point was in better spirits to try the climb that I tried desperately to scare them of. So when we left I had Julia up front with me setting a fun pace and Ashley had jumped off of the tandem and was pedaling her own bike.
An hour later we had gotton to the turn off with Greaterville rd seven miles down the road and we took another rest before the final accent. At the end of 5 hours and 12 minutes we had finally made it to camp. Thank goodness we were ready for the break, and thanks to Daniela we got the final two camp spots for the next two days.
Day 2
Madera Canyon to Mt. Wrighston
A 7 hour hike is what it takes to get from the top to bottom. It's about a 5,ooo ft accent that took each of us two PB and J sandwiches, most an apple, some trail mix and a liter of water. My favorite hike I have ever done and only Max and Dylan had done it before so for the other 12 hikers this was a first, and Daniela was even able to make it to Josephines saddle some 2 and half miles up 8 months pregnant.

A spectacular day that was crazy windy. The kids did great and I had a blast. Thanks everyone for a fun day. At the end of the day Kramer, Conner, and Donovan were able to join us after getting ride from school. Once they arrived I made them peddle to the top of the road before dinner.
Day 3
Madera Canyon to Colossal Cave 40 miles
We awoke to freezing rain, sleet, and hail, all at once. It was crazy cold, windy, and down right wacky when we awoke. We all wanted off the mountain so we left in a hurry with hands so cold we were unsure if we were grabbing the brakes. By the time we had gotten to the bottom of the road half an hour later we were reay to shed a layer and be out of the cold. The wind kept flying around today but lucky enough it was at our backs and were able to make it to camp before the rain after only one crash and tacod wheel. So if anybody reading this has a decent 700 front wheel, clincher, that you could donate to Elysa and her bike that would be great.

Day 4
Colossal Cave to Tucson and the Club House 30 miles
After getting rained on for the better part of the afternoon we were able to have a dry sleep and awake to the Easter Bunny and his eggs. He had come and set out eggs for us to find filled with chocolate and not water. The ride home was fun and uneventful, with a head wind, but knowledgable about pace lines after we had the disscussion the night before.
Touring is my favorite thing in the whole world and to share it with the kids I coach makes me feel super lucky. A few goals I have for EL Grupo in the near and not so distant future:
1) Tour from West to East the whole United States
2) Tour from Vancouver, Canada to San Fransisco
Both of these oc course self sufficient so no car help. Also while on the way I want to stop at different summer camps to show kids what an awesome thing bikes are and what they can do to. With the hopes that at the end we generate so much fun that we get invited as a team all over the country to give talks, lead bike rides, and teach other youth. Thanks team for a great time and look forward to the future.


nickelbag said...

Sounds swell to me. Cycle-touristing is mos def real good. Hey, I never got a new jersey, what's up with that? take it easy...

Goolia said...

We must do a long self-sufficient tour! We can dumpster dive along the way.