Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let the Racing Begin

Your SWEET new bike racing parts have arrived!!!

During the past few racing seasons El Grupo has not only had to race against the pack on heavy old, recycled with used parts, self built, second hand, yet awesome, steel bikes, we often had to then race with blocked out gears. Which means that we did not have a full range of gears to race with.

But not this year. For every racing bike in our stable I was able to acquire proper junior cassettes and chain rings. So don't you know your 9 speed will actually be a 9 speed and not a 7 speed.

I am really excited about this and have to thank Fairwheel Bikes for making it happen. THANKS RALPH!!!!

For those of you that know you will be racing this season and have a race bike just ask me tomorrow at practice and we will set up a time.

I also want to thank the Tucson Bike Scene for hooking us up with some sweet racing bikes this season. There are going to be a few El Grupo bikes at the races this year that can't rust.

I am excited and am sure that we are going to have some fun, so here to a good season of giving them hell.


1 comment:

Kathleen said...

As a parent of a rider, we are so grateful for you support, Fairwheel Bikes and Ralph! Many of us families truly could not afford to have our kids in cycling if it wasn't for the tangible support of businesses, people and organizations like yours.