Monday, January 4, 2010

This weeks practices posted

Wed. -- Starr Pass repeats
Something that will help simulate the continued attacks of a good crit. It helps with bike handling skills and the like. I hope for this practice to have a good continues rhythm where can really get into a groove.

Fri-- A MTN Repeats
A great way to gauge where we are now to where we were not long ago. Also some good super hard efforts will only do us good.

Sat-- I will be out on the "old man shootout" with hopefully a few of you. Except not Pablo. He will be working that day with the great Jimbo and Max and I suppose you might be with the "big boy ride".

Sun-- MTB day--- Most likely Sweetwater because I can say so.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

YAY! A-mtn repeats!!!!
