I know all ready. It's real early in the summer season for this one, but well times a change and so did the date for this great Tucson event.
Registration is at Lerua's Restaurant on Broadway across the street from the Safeway at the Cambell intersection. They open the doors at 4pm to start registration so I will be there around 3:30pm to try and ensure us the best possible start times, meaning early. I am going to register all of you guys together so we can play the coyote and rabbit game.
The first rider goes off at 6:30am and hopefully we are not too far behind.
Daniela and I are going to be riding the tandem up that day and we are going to get a head start on all of you.
Because we would like to take you all out to Bobo's after wards, and if you don't catch us than you have to pay for your own breakfast. Not really so if you can all bring $2 that would be great. Same as all ways the pancake and all.
Also I suppose we need to drive out there, however I do not know what time we need to be out there until we get our start times.
This event is for everyone. Some of you will be registered as races and some of you like Ashley and Julia will be out there as well enjoying the cool air at the top and the sweet pancake at the end.
Last years times
Logan- 1.09.38
Donovan- 1.32.38
Connor- 1.16.58
Pablo- 1.25.45
Kramer- 1.02.42
Christian Mathews- 1.21.29
2007 Times
Ignacio- 57.14
Ron- 1.06.52
Alex S.- 1.06.25
Robert Chorost- 1.23.23
Stephan marcucci- 1.24.04
Kenny Polly- 1.23.48
13-14 boys- 1.05.39
15-16 boys- 1.00.18
17-18 boys- 54.42
13-14 girls- 1.30.07
I'm going to break an hour and a half!
We'll meet you at Leruda's to register.
Also, I'm available to drive folks over.
I'll go up the Lemmon like I did last year....photographing you on your ascent!
I will probabily drive as well, I can take people though and not a lot of bikes
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