Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well, we’re finally leaving! I know, you are all super excited to have us out of your hair, and to quit hearing about this stupid bike trip we plan on going on. Well, bad news guys, Ignacio and Daniela have given us our own logins for the blog. So I’m afraid you’re going to have to hear from us for our entire trip. Yup, that’s right, every grimy, gross, hilarious, sad detail we will be posting right here on this blog. And I know, it’s not as good as seeing our pretty faces in person, but it’ll have to suffice for the time being.

For those of you who are reading this and have no idea what I’m talking about, Thursday morning at 7 am Julia, myself, and our friends Deidra and Casey plan on taking a 5 day drive up to Seattle, Washington. Then Julia and I plan on biking from Bainbridge Island (just out side of Seattle) to San Francisco . That is a total of about 1,000 miles, or one month’s worth of biking. I know, just take a second to bask in the awesomeness of that idea.

Anyway, we’ve been preparing for this for almost a year, and we would have not been able to accomplish this without the help of certain people. For those of us who helped train us, and fund us, and just plain allowed us to do such a thing, (Our Parents, El Grupo, The El Grupo Board, and Perimeter Bicycling for giving Julia and I jobs for the summer, and hey why not throw in GABA for allowing us to do free practice bike tours) we owe you guys a humungous thank you! This really is the opportunity of a lifetime, and without you guys we probably wouldn’t even make it to Astoria before turning around. Well we’ve got to be heading out, but Julia’s got something sweet and mushy to say before we go:

Of course I would be the one to write something sweet because everyone knows I’m an incredibly sweet person, but truthfully Ashley is right because I’m really bad at writing goodbyes that aren’t mushy. I mean, it’s not as if we’ll never see any of you guys again (you can’t get rid of us!), we totally wanna come back and tell you all about our [mis]adventures, but it seems to be finally sinking in for me that we are going to self-sufficiently ride our bikes down the west coast when I never would have dreamed we could do it a year ago. Or six months ago, really. It just kind of blows my mind to think of how much more we can do now and it was because of the help of El Grupo and all of our friends. So yeah, thanks guys. I guess I should go brush my teeth now because the sweetness might give me cavities. - Julia

Thanks Again Everybody, especially Julia for that lame joke. See you guys in August!


Kathleen said...

Terrific! Can't wait to read your posts! Happy, happy trails to you!!!!

Unknown said...

YOu guys rock! You will remember this experience for the rest of your lives. The harder the task, the better the memory.

Pablo said...

I have a feeling that this blog will now be fun to read! :D Have fun ladies!

Lizzy said...

You guys are going to have a blast! Have a safe trip!
