Monday- GABA meeting 7pm start arrive around 6:30 pm if you want to put in work trade hours.
Tuesday- 6am morning ride. Meets super sharp at the of Euclid and University. Same place as the shoot out so if you want to leave stuff on my porch and shower here after wards than, I think that is great. This is a super fast ride for the big guns, but that said I think everyone who wants to go should, its a great test of self for sure. Even you Lizzy I would recommend to go, seeing speed will help you know how fast you too can go. Everyone can give this a shot, however it is unsupported. You will know the route and I will wait for you at the top of Gates, and I will help on the ride but once your off your off.
Wednesday- Group long tempo ride. Starts at 6:30am. Be on time, sharp please, I want to leave at 6:30am.
Thursday- 6:30am start. Fixed loop. Points race. Winner gets the prize.
Friday- OFF----OFF-------OFF
Saturday- Shoot Out Old Man Style. Start at my house super sharp 5:45 am. Show up at 5:50 and you are with the big boys that start at 6am. SHARP. Again this ride can be done by everyone and is unsupported.
BAKE SALE Same as last week, after the ride we will be having a bake sale.
Sunday- Unknown, maybe MTB. I will listen to riders as to what you want to do. Or maybe we find a pool to SWIM!!
Please let me know if you need my help to (wo)man the bake sale table before/during the ride. Also, I think it is a pretty safe bet to say that the Stone Curves pool would be open and I will be around this weekend to supervise you...hehehehe.
we might be able to swim at my swim team's pool, it's a nice pool and it's fairly close to the clubhouse.
yes I also vote swimming sunday.
Oh and I will most likely be helping Saturday with the bake sale.
I shall assist on Saturday with the selling of baked goods.
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