Tuesday, June 15, 2010


You all should be looking around the house, asking parents for permission, gathering stuff that will sell for our fundraiser yard sale this Saturday. Please start bringing that to the clubhouse, if possible, this Thursday and Friday.

We need your help to organize stuff then on Thursday and Friday. We will need to price stuff and figure out how we want to arrange everything.

We really need your help on this from everyone. We want to get you to Durango and this is a big part of it.

Thursday let just hang after practice and do some stuff.

Friday lets meet at 10am and put the finishing touches on stuff.

Also thanks to all for helping the other night putting the bikes together. we have 7 bikes now ready for sale.

Tell everyone you know to come buy something from us on Saturday.

We will have bikes, computers, some bike clothes and parts, microwaves, all sorts of stuff so come find something you did not know you needed.


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