Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks Christian!!

First an apology-- Sorry Christian. We as a team, but most importantly me as a coach and friend forgot to tell you that practice time had been changed this weekend. I felt truely embarrassed and pretty dang cruddy dropping the ball on this so I'm sorry.

Second-- Thanks for everything you do. Did you all notice the new map to the club house tag?

Or the new links page set up?

Or the ever revolving home photo page?

Or the new decals on the Club house windows?

Or the new stickers?

Or the new propaganda flyers?

Or the hey give us your stuff flyers that were out at the swap meet?

Thanks Christian this team would not be where it is today with out you and I want everyone to know how much you give to this.


Anonymous said...

Aw shucks! 'Twas nothing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Christian, keep up the good work with them dang kids, and don't let Ignacho forget who's really tha boss... See ya