There are 172 images posted on Facebook....click on the link above or cut and paste the link into your browser. The album is public so everyone should be able to access it even if you do not have a Facebook account. Please let me know directly if you can't open the link and I will repost it on MySpace. Congratulations to all of El Grupo, riders, coaches, friends and families. You are amazing!
If you have Facebook, please feel free to "tag" yourself and use the images as you want for profile pics, etc.
I added lots of captions so that folks unfamiliar with El Grupo can follow the story line. If any of the captions, names, etc are incorrect, please let me know and I will make corrections.
Just so you know, you commented one of the names wrong, you said it was Todd playing with Damiano, it's Troy... :)
Thanks, Lizzy...that is what early morning posting and little sleep does for you! Duh, me.....
Feel free to email any changes to me directly at:
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