Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thank You's

Thank You’s

Before I write any post about the race and the weekend I have to express my huge gratitude to many folks who made this weekend happen. Events and day like the ones we had do not happen by chance they are created by hard work and sacrifice by a lot of people and want to thank them all now. I also want to thank each one for “putting up” with me!!

Not in any real order:

Kathleen: We all know how important you are to this team and your work over the weekend was of superstar proportions. You made sure to get a photo of each rider racing and then had time to capture the whole weekend in still photos. You then stayed up most of Saturday night and made sure every rider was ready to go, and got what 2 hours of sleep and then put up with me. You helped out at the food table and really did just about everything that was needed. We are super lucky to have you as part of this team and I thank you for all your devotion and help.

Tony: Mr. Brooklyn pizza, donated the 8 pizzas that were Thursday dinner and Friday breakfast. So make sure to go buy some, some time soon.

Todd: Mr. Epic rides the guys that puts the whole thing on. Thanks for making it affordable for us to ride and giving us the chance of a lifetime.

Milenkovitch: The greatest mechanic in the whole world. I really do not want to ever do another one of these events with out you. You were absolutely incredible. I was blown away by your speed, quality, and devotion to the job. I will make sure you are with us next year.

Georgia: You jumped right in on the first asking and ensured that one of the teams was always ready to go. I would love to have you back next year and hope that the zero dollars of payment is enough to get you back.

Joe and Kandice: Camp cooks and fire makers. Did you guys even sleep? Joe you burned your hands just to make sure kids had food and Kandice after you finished pulling thorns out of your son you went right back to the tent to help with the cooking. THANKS!!!

Carole: Our CEO of the cooking area. You totally rocked that position and yes you are hired for next year. Thanks for taking care of the battle station!!!!

Natalie and Miguel: Not only did you let us borrow the repair stand, you brought up how much water and wood?

All Parents: We never even came close to being hungry, cold, or thirsty. Thank you for all that was contributed, cooked, and donated. Your support is essential and so very appreciated.

Chad: El Grupo is lucky to have a friend like you and no we can not do it without you.

Coaches: Christian, Travis, and Richard—your efforts are creating the greatest team in Arizona.

Lori: For putting up with me and helping Christian do the same, and the scone on day two.

DJ: The lights, yeah we can’t do it without those. Thanks man.

Pablo and Kramer: Without the efforts the two of you put in we would not have had two teams on the podium and almost 3. You guys truly showed that you understand what this team is all about.

Rachel: This was your first great El Grupo experience and you almost stayed up the whole night. Thanks for walking to the start tent so many times ensuring that the teams were ready to go.

If I missed you I am sorry, but thanks again to everyone involved it takes all of us together like Voltron.


Kathleen said...

A big thank you to Mark,too! He helped out so much with getting riders down to the tent in the middle of the night and hanging out with them.

Linde said...

Always a pleasure...(pssst, it's Kandus)