Sorry Marcos- Last night Daniela and I did some homework and discovered that we will be unable to join you this Sunday for the marathon. The event organizers have structured the event quite rigidly wanting to ensure safety, which makes it impossible for us to cheer you on.
So I am sorry, however good luck and the best to you. To the rest of the team I suppose we will just have to ride up the mountain next week.
Scavenger Hunt!!! Can't tell you how important it is. It is our only fundraiser of the year and we need funds. So please tell your friends, family, and neighbors to come. I would like to have 200 people there. Today at practice I am going to give you all flyers to post around town and to hand out. So please help with this.
Saturday October 23rd we will be having a bake sale like in times past after the Shoot Out.
I am sure there are a few more things to comment on but I will start here.
are we riding saturday?
Go, Marcos, go! We are so rooting for you!!!!!!!
sounds good. good luck marcos. show that mountain who's boss!
We told as many people as we could at the triathlon last weekend so hopefully some of those folks will show up. If there is anything I can do to help with the event either before, during or after, please let me know.
:) Rane
No worries. You guys have supported me all the way up to it and I can't be grateful enough for that.
Go, Marcos! We're rooting for you from afar! Have a lot of fun, and know that you're an awesome dude! :)
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