Really I just want to spend some time and thank everyone that made this weekend so much fun.
1st and foremost to Hunter parents. Barney and Gera for opening their home to us and making us feel so comfortable. We all really enjoyed our stay with you and your pool and back yard are fantastic. I will get your blue prints for the out door grill area some other time. Thank you so much to the two of you!!!!
Dinner and breakfast were just great, the coffee was hot, and I happily ate seconds. The kids and Daniela even mentioned that they now want your grilled chicken before every ride because they felt so good during the event.
Thank you to the El Grupo youth riders. You guys all earned the right to be on this trip and you all confirmed every reason why I thought you were ready for this trip. We as a team are truly fortunate to have such outstanding people riding for us. Thank you team. You also are the brothers and sisters to Damiano and I could not ask for better people for him to learn from.
Thank you to Hunter for pulling this all together for us, and for taking us on a ride through your old hood. Very fun!!!
Thank you to the Franklin's for with out all your support everything this team has been up to lately would not be possible. Thank You Franklins!!!!!! Really if you ever want to trade cars I will listen to your offer.
Thank you to Daniela, for everything that you do for this team. She is truly the glue that allows this whole thing to work. She does all the behind the scenes "dirty" work and I am truly grateful for all the work that she does. We often joke that it is me who comes up with the crazy ideas and dreams and she is the one who has to make them happen. I really can't argue that point. Thanks!!!!!
I am going to let Daniela and Hunter write about the ride experience, as I did not get to ride. I hung out with Damiano.
Daniela's team-- Newgan and Lizzy
Hunters team-- Logan, Donovan, Nathan
Thank you, Barney and Shera for your hospitality of home and wisdom of experience you shared with our children and team. What a glorious opportunity! El Grupo, all of you are simply the best. We are so lucky to be part of each others lives.
It was great to host El Groupo this weekend for Tour de Scottsdale. The kids were sweet, open and polite. Ignasio and Daniella are great adult leaders of cyclists. And of course it was especially nice to see our son, Hunter, who was the young cyclist 15 years ago. It's heartening to see the evolution of a young cyclist around to an adult leader. Our family has been connected to cycling for 20 years w/ my husband, Barney's, coaching and with Hunter & his brother, Austin's, cycling adventures. The El Groupo kids brought all that back to us and we could not have asked for a better group.
Keep riding! Cycling is a great sport that connects people and places and helps to develop character. We'll enjoy watching your progress!
Thank you Barney, Shera, Hunter, Ignacio, Daniela, and fellow teammates. It was an amazing experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Thank you, truly, everyone for making this happen. I feel that we all benefited from this. Going on fun trips like this really allows for us to become better friends and teammates.
Thanks again.
P.S. The chicken was absolutely phenomenal
My apologies, Gera, for spelling your name incorrectly!
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