Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia. ~H.G. Wells
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Team Toughness
Santa Rides in Style
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Santa Needs Your Help!
Calling All Bike Mechanics and Former Riders

Friday, December 5, 2008
4th Ave Street Fair Bike Valet

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday Practice
Practice: YES
When: 8am
Who: All El Grupo members
What: Just show up and the coaches will tell you
Where: meet at the Club house
The ride wont be crazy long or super hard, but we want you all there. I don't want you to forget about getting to practice and I want you to keep your fitness up.
Christian and Nelson will be your coaches, as I will still be in Florida visiting my mother with Daniela. Please be on your best behavior.
Have fun!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hey Robbin, We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the 109 mile team we headed to the start late around 6:30 am. The event starts at 7am so we were at about position 5,000 starting the ride, folks show up for the start as early as 4am. This of course after fixing Logans chain in the morning and giving Hollywood a new tire for his front wheel. No time like the last minute to fix the teams bikes. Once the start gun went off it took about 20 minutes for us to get going and I never heard a word from any of the riders. For the majority 5 out of 7 this was there first ever event, race, and even some of them sporting "game". I know they were scared and probably totally overwhelmed but none of them let on and were totally cool. Once we finally got going I'm not quite sure anyone passed us for the first 30 or so miles. We were cruising along as a team, as we had always trained, and we were looking good. We got to the first river crossing without much fuss only Conner loosing a water bottle, but really no big deal. I actually picked one up for him that someone else dropped in the river bed. A few of us used "The Nature" for relief and we were off.
Zach stayed up front with me after the river crossing for about 20 miles up untill we took our first real stop around Fantasy Island where the great El Grupo support crew was waiting. Carol, Daneila, Kathlyn and more where waiting for us with warm home baked "Conner mama snacks" I mean fresh out of the oven warm. Like I can't even chew it because I am so amazed at how good they are. Out of the oven hot! I think we all used "The Nature" again, and then Daniela and Kathlyn helped fill out water bottles. I must say the ride up untill that point was quite uneventfull and actually kind of miserable. The road conditions stunk and we had quite a head wind. So after the stop when I told Zach he no longer had to be up front, he was pretty happy.
As we left our first stop we were all together and now with Max up front. Shortly after we finally turned north and the wind was out of our face. Max stayed up front with me all the way untill the river crossing, #2, with the only crazy event being Ricardo losing his chain at about 25 miles an hour coming down Houghton. We got it back on at speed and I think Ricardo stopped breathing for the whole episode. As there only about 2,000 people coming behind him flying down the road.
Through the river crossing we stayed together while Max and Pablo decided to use the bathrooms as "The Nature" could not suffice for their actions. We had to wait about 5 extra minutes for Max as he decided to bring the paper with him. At this point I still had not heard a single complaint from any rider. We were half way through and about an 1 1/2 hours ahead of time. We were cooking.
Daniela and Kathlyn found us again just out of the crossing and helped fill our bottles and pack us with food. They were awesome the whole day, and we could not have done the ride without them. Thank You ladies.
Leaving the river is usually the hardest part of the race, but again the kids never, not once, the whole day complained or said to slow down. They stayed right on my wheel with no hesitation. There were times where guys were hurting and we had to slow down and times when we dropped chains and we had to stop. But the team put together its best ride absolutely ever. Communitcation, was perfect. Team work, perfect. Support, perfect. I could not have imagined the race going so well. These guys went out and stunned me. It definelty makes me want to work harder to give them more opportunities. I have all the respect in the world for them.
The last stop came around mile 80, and Christian, made the best decision of the day at this point. Give the guys a five minute break. Up untill this point our stops had been fast. I was excited about our progress and I wanted to get the team the best possible. However we needed a break and Christian was right, the 5 minutes gave us the chance to catch our breath and finish strong. Thanks Coach. Also out at the last stop was Dave Bohm. The newest El Grupo coach. Thanks Dave for coming out and helping. We are excited to have you on the team.
Leaving the last stop I put Kramer up front as I new the main hill of the day was coming and who better to lead us over. The hill actually was nothing but most important it was our best group hill climb ever. Not a single gap opened. Nothing. I was impressed.
After the hill Max came back to the front and finished the ride for the team. The team really figured out how strong they were coming home on Silverbell. 10 miles from the finish they started to yell at me to look back and sure enough we were pulling about 100 people. These guys are special. But just like last year we finish with arms raised together, as a team. Last years team is called the dream team, but if we can keep this team toghether for a year for next years El Tour, watch out folks.
Finishing time 6 hours 46 minutes.
Complaints-- none
Finishers-- 7 riders, 3 coaches
Thank you to the whole team, parents, and cheering sections, for the ride of my life.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pre-Tour Pasta Feast!
Please join us at the Stone Curves Common House on this Friday, November 21st at 5:30pm. This is located on the NW corner of Stone and Limberlost. There is a south parking lot off of Stone, or a north parking lot off of Limberlost just west of Stone. Please park in an uncovered spot. Just walk on the paths that lead to the center area, and you will see the large "Common House" to the west.
Daniela will make tons of pasta, Judith will make a lovely salad from the local garden, Pablo's tia will make her famous "Tres Leches" desert, and I will be calling all the rest of the parents to help bring other things if you can.
There will not be practice on Friday but you will be expected to attend the dinner to fuel up and receive your new El Grupo jersey! We all send our love to "Hollywood" (Ricardo) who will not be able to join us since his big debut in the school talent show is at the same time. Break a leg! (But not literally, you have to ride over 100 miles the next day!)
If you have questions, please call Daniela or Ignacio.

Parking El Grupo Style

Monday, November 17, 2008
Thanks Christian!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Valet Parking @ Swap meet
Greatness is near

El Grupo also has a team of 4 this year that will be riding the 35 mile section. They are definetly going to destroy it and I feel bad that they have to ride such a short race. It's just that we just got a coach for them and they have been training with him enough. But these riders are just as ready and will be riding with the 70 mile team for the Tour of Tucson Mountains.
Bicycle SWAP MEET Saturday

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
El Tour Work Trade
Ignacio Call with questions if you got em
Monday, November 3, 2008
El Tour Work Trade
We can do this: Nov 3rd through the 9th from 6-9pm and Nov. 13th 5-9pm at PBAA
Where: The Rise building at the corner of 7th street and Toole - it is big and blue (it is now used as a recycling place), caddy corner to Small Planet Bakery.
Why: So we can ride
Who: Anybody who plans on riding
If you have questions, please call me at 340-1701
Bicycle Valet parking by El Grupo

Club House Needs and Wants
2 couches
Coffee table
computer desk
small dorm style refrigerator
toaster oven
bicycle repair stand --2
lockers-- like the one you had in high school
Small espresso maker
set of metric box end wrenches
bicycle movies
your support
New Club House!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tumacacori Success!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tumacacori GABA ride this weekend
When: this Sunday October 26th
Where: Start is in Sahuarita, AZ (Exit 75 off of I-19)
What: 80 mile bike ride--- longest ever as new team
Who: All of the Sunday riders, also please print and sign the registration form for the ride from the GABA web site and bring it with you on Sunday morning or you may give it to me on Friday.
You may look at the GABA website for more info at
Monday, October 6, 2008
State Champ X 2
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
El Grupo 2008 Orchestrates first Bicycle Obstacle Course
Thanks Team
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
First I want you to watch the debate.
Second I am asking you to help out on Saturday.
Thanks everyone
Worktrade for El Tour
Sorry this is getting out a bit late, however here we go. So the PBAA the organization that puts on El Tour is giving El Grupo a great opportunity this year. They are going to allow us to work trade our way into the event. That means that we have to have to help them out at different events and such that they put on for 10 hours each for our free entry. So this Saturday one of those opportunities is coming up. This Saturday from 9am to 1pm Daniela and I will be in downtown Tucson across from the Library putting on a bicycle Rodeo. We are asking that all riders attend for as long as they can to help us out. I know you don't know what a rodeo is but come and you will see and I'm sure you will be able to jump right in. So I really hope that almost all of you can make it for some amount of time.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Arizona State Time Trial Championships Success
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Blue Loop Round Up
We left Tucson on Friday night packed in the Cronyn van 4 bikes on back and 6 humans inside. The younger ones made the air quality on the inside horrendous so we stopped at the Benson rest stop to eat dinner even though Max and Robbin had already eaten. The boys though were able to eat 4 pounds of pasta without hesitation. Logan even cleaned his plate. Thanks Daniela!
We got to the camp ground quite late and set up in the dark park in Clifton, AZ. A Bisbee that couldn't or hasn't yet. Kramer awoke in the middle of the night to a family of skunks and the rest of us in the early morning to a drizzle.
Leaving Clifton, Az
We spent the morning running over and killing thousands of grasshoppers. It's not that we were trying but they were all over the road. Really the asphalt was day glow and flouresant. Making it worse though, Grasshoppers are apparently canabals so the live ones were eating the dead ones on the road creating more death.
The total elevation gain for the day was 4,800 feet and most of it was gained in one chunk. A fun little climb where at the top we reached a rain cloud. A fun experience for the new riders. To climb a hill up into rain. Once we reached Glenwood, NM the boys were pretty proud of themselves, and it seemed to me that Kramer "learned" to ride today. He came alive at every hill climb and realished the fight. This was the longest ride they had ever been on. We spent the rest of the day hanging out at the camp ground and watching the crazy heavy ran coming over the mountain and onto us. A pounding rain that lasted for hours. Good thing though we had a nice covered area to stay
After a great night of sleep, we set out to return home. This ride was to be 96 miles long so today I sent Kramer and Logan to the first sag stop so they eneded up riding 70 ish miles, while Robbin went to the third sag stop and rode about 30 miles. The morning then started with me, Nelson, and Max on the rode climbing another 1,500 feet into thick big tree forest and misting clouds. Just like Tucson! We cruised the first miles and once we got to the first sag Kramer and Logan were so ready to go that as soon as they saw us they were on their bikes trying to get us not to stop. So we didn't stop for long and back on the road we only were able to go about 15 miles before we realized a great problem with Max's tire and we had to put him in a car and send him to the next sag. Not to big a deal because we got lucky and were able to find a replacement wheel. The riding was spectacular with hardly any cars, perfect vistas, and great climbing. Kind of like dream land bike riding. Once at the second sag we got Max a new wheel and down we went. Super down hill fun! To just about sag three, just about because there was one last climb to concour. At sag three we picked up Robbin and had about the greatest down hill ride of all time. Really scary, really fun, and really fast! Everone should get to do it. The ride today ended with 6,831 of climbing on the day in the town of Clifton and 17,000 total for the three days.
Thanks GABA! We loved the opportunity. We can't wait to do it again, and know that there is a youth bike team in town that is willing to help out in any way that we can. The whole club treated us wonderfully and we want to make sure we have chances to give back.
Thanks Ignacio