Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mt. Lemmon Hill Climb SUNDAY

That's right the grand daddy of them all, not me, the hill climb race. It will be this Sunday. Many of will be officially racing in it, and others of you will be out there riding going after personal bests. Most excitingly though is that my mother will be out there for all the fun. That's right Mama Ignacio will be out for the fun. However there are a few logistics we need to figure out. Like getting kids out there:

So Riders racing will be:

Riders going for personal bests:

The logistics of the cars needs to be figured out because with my mom and her boyfriend in my car I can only take two riders with me. I know Kathleen you can take Logan and two more bikes and all. Conner I am going to assume that your mother will get you to the start. That leaves three more people that need rides.

Also after the ride I would like to have breakfast with everyone at Bobo's so come hungry and with a buck or two to subsidize your meal.

When does this all go down, well I will be registering everyone Saturday afternoon at the given location. I want to have all El Grupo riders starting on top of each other so you guys can battle each other to the finish.

1st person to start goes off at 7am so we could start any time there after.

May the force be with you.


1 comment:

kathleen said...

Hey Coach,
Do you know what time we will all be meeting up at the clubhouse? I'm guessing around 530 or 6? Or, will you go another post or phone tree Saturday night after you know the group's individual start times?