Friday, July 9, 2010

Day whatever to I have no idea. We're in Port Orford?

So we've officially lost count of the days we've been riding. We're somewhere over a week, and somewhere under two. That's either a sign of us losing touch with reality... or us having that much fun. I'm going with the latter.

Basically whats going on is we have some freak weather up here in Oregon. And by freak weather I mean some really freaking nice weather. Its a cool 80 tops, everyday and rarely, except for in the mornings, it doesn't get below 65. The worst thing we had was some serious fog when we were leaving Walport going into Yachats. We were getting really close to shore, and it was around midday and there was just fog everywhere. Which was crazy because the lane had gotten just small enough for an unloaded bike, and the guardrails just disappeared at some parts. And did I mention it was a really fast downhill? There was also that. So we've got this scary fog that makes it so we can only see 20 feet max in front of us, and the only things we've got to keep us visible is that little red whimpy frog light that Ignacio gave us all. I watched it blink when I turned it on, and the only thought that went through my head was we are so screwed. But thankfully, for the worst of the fog we were going uphill, so traffic was going slower and had more time to see is riding in the road. I have never in my life been so thankful for an uphill.

But really, that's the craziest thing that's happened. I think Julia and I have reached this point where we've both realized all we have to do all day is bike, eat, hang out on the beach, and meet cute boys. And speaking of cute boys, Julia and I also met our first fellow bicycle tourists, one named Ian and the other named Quinn. Man they were cute I'll tell you what. Ian had biked from Missouri for a wedding in Tacoma, and decided to bike to Big Sur, and then home. Quinn was from Orcas Island and just decided to see how far he could bike down the coast. I think he mentioned something about Mexico.

Also something kind of cool, we met this group of kids biking from Seattle to San Francisco as well. There's maybe a dozen of them, all under 17 being lead by two 21 year olds. They're all real nice, and they've got these cute orange flags waving from their bikes so they can identify one another from far away.

What else can I say about whats going on up here? Oh the food! Can I just say that for whatever reason everything we eat up here tastes DELICIOUS? Cause it does. Last night we had banana pancakes. We'll probabily go broke and never make it home because we'll have blown all our money eating delicious food, but believe me its totally worth it.

Well I feel like I've run out of things to talk about. Not that we don't have things to stay its just really hard to convey what an awesome time we're having right now. Travis was right, we have to experience serious lows, to achieve some serious highs. Oh thats another thing, I just want you all to know that when we can we check your comments on our posts and your encouragement and support of us on this trip, through the bad and the good means more then you'll all know, and has helped us in our lowest mental lows. Thanks. All of you. We miss you guys!

Two more weeks!... ish.


Matt said...

i love waldport, my grandparents live right on the beach

Lizzy said...

Wow guys. Sounds like a blast! I can't wait to see you! I miss you!


Marcos said...

I'm sure any food would taste delicious after biking all day, but I guess the fact that banana pancakes are inherently delicious doesn't hurt either.

Glad and jealous that you guys are having a blast!!

kathleen and logan said...

Hi you two!!!! We are thinking of you!!!! Love to hear of your adventures.