Thursday, July 1, 2010

Days 1-3 1/2 : Port Orchard to Twin Harbor State Park

Howdy Howdy! We are now on the 3rd day of bike tour, and let me tell you it has not been easy. No I am not talking about the biking, its been done. Really the only difference is there is wind and it is wet. No I'm talking about EVERYTHING ELSE. We have had so much misfortune, and maybe its because we sullied the name of Utah our bad Richard, that I was able to compile a list of things to look out for when camping, bike tour... or otherwise:

1) Make sure that the gloves you bring, are one left and one right. Not 2 rights.
2) Make sure that your rim tape is not made of rubber, because in all likelihood it will snap
3) Don't wait until you're about to go to bed the night before you start biking to change your flat, chances are its because your rubber rim tape snapped.
4) Don't pour a bag of shrimp directly in to the pan, especially if its oiled up, this will cause you to catch fire.
5) Don't operate heavy machinery with lack of sleep.
6) The things that look like poop, are probabily slugs, don't step on them!
7) And the gray rocks, are probabily poop.
8) Don't pitch your tent on an incline. Because you'll wake up in a ball in the middle of the night and when you have to ride the next morning it don't feel so good.
9) No matter how funny you think the "Population 35" sign painted outside of the convenient store in rural Montana is, don't take the picture. Because when you go in to pee, you'll probabily just end up leaving your camera.
10) Make sure you know how to use your stove.
11) Or if you know how to use it, if its a gas stove, don't over pump it. It will explode when you remove the pump.
12) And last but not least, make sure that the bolt holding your rack and fenders on isn't old, because it will probabily snap making it impossible to find a bolt long enough to hold both rack and fenders, which means you'll have to take the rear fender off and chances are that will be the day it will rain.

Yes, all these things have indeed happened to us, I will not specify to whom, but they have happened. But despite all the bad, we are having the time of our lives, but boy are we glad we're not alone. Thank god for our idiot friends Deidra and Casey who turn all of the things that would normally bring us to tears, to shrill laughter. You know, Julia's laughter.

Talk to you all in a few more days!


Kathleen said... read that is....You gals rock!!!!

Lizzy said...

That is hilarious! Too bad all that bad happened. But you know what they say, "What can go wrong, will go wrong." ;)


Anonymous said...

Yeah it's like a good thing that you never practiced or anything. Also remember to find the big yellow GABA sign so you know which way to go.

Marcos said...

Aw man, explosions and poop slugs. I am very jealous!