Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Okay, California doesn't suck that bad, but being broke definitely does.

We're running out of money, I think thats why we've got such a negative feel on California. We're getting so broke that the entire group decided if we wanted to make it home with enough gas and food to get there, we would have to cut a couple days off of biking.

Julia and I sat down and had to prioritize, what part of the riding was most important to us. Julia just really wanted to bike into San Francisco, I did too but most of all I wanted to see a friend of mine that I haven't seen in 4 years. We both decided to cut a huge chunk out of the middle of our trip, and basically just skip to the end.

I think one of the things we've started to notice is one of the reasons this trip is mostly composed of people in their mid-twenties and older is because they have the funds and the time to do such. If we didn't have to worry about getting home in time for college, we could've probabily just bunked up in some town and tried to make some money. Or if we had actual jobs, a source of a somewhat constant income, we probabily wouldn't have such limited resources.

Unfortunately we have spended poorly and will miss out on a good 4 days through California, and we'll start on Sonoma Coast State Beach, ending the next day in San Francisco.

All in all we'll have done about 800 miles, which is 4/5ths of the distance we had intended to cover.

If only money grew on trees.


Lizzy said...

Man, that totally sucks. Hopefully you can try it again. (If you still want to.)


travis said...

You never know until you try, and it will definitely be a lesson for next time. Don't let it get you down, just look for what you can glean from the experience and give a big eff you to the negatives. You're not going to remember the crappy times when you look back on this, and if you do, you are just going to laugh.

It certainly makes you appreciate what you have though, yeah? Glad you guys are kicking ass.