Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday Ride - Nobody Died!

So, Newgan decided to go gravel surfing early into the ride this morning. On his face. The guy was a champ, though, and rode the rest of the ride and all the way up A Mountain. I wish I'd had a camera this morning, watching him barrel down Greasewood chasing Christian. Dude's gonna be a hell of a bike racer.

On the way down from A Mountain, Emily crashed into the boulders next to the gate. Luckily (really!), she walked away with only a few scrapes and a cut in her palm. Her bike didn't fair so well, unfortunately. Emily doesn't seem discouraged at all, though. She's ready to get right back on the bike. Uh, as soon as we fix a few things.


1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Whoa! Way to go Newgon....glad you are fine Emily. Sorry about your bike!