This is a message for: Hunter, Christian, Richard, Alex, Colin, Ashley, Julia, Travis
We will be having a coaches' meeting this coming Friday, Oct. 1st at 5pm at our house. Please plan on being there for an hour to discuss upcoming practice schedules, training goals, etc etc. Some snacks and beverages will be provided, but feel free to contribute to that. Damiano will provide entertainment.
Thanks! Daniela & Ignacio
heheheheh....like that part about Damiano....just wait until he tries to feed you.
i work at 6, so i'll only be able to be there for a half an hour.
I'm working at Bicas on friday. Is there any way we can schedule it for thursday? I'd really like to be there.
I work the night shift on Friday, and the earliest I can get out of there for an hour break would be at 6. I'll stop by a little after then if you all are still hanging out.
the meeting time has been officially changed to monday at 6pm to better accommodate everyone. if anyone else out there is interested in attending, now you know
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