Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mt Graham Hill Climb state champs

Tomorrow Logan and Kramer are out to contest one of the hardest races in the state.

The State hill climb champs. It is taking place at Mt Graham just north of Safford. Last year Kramer won the 17-18 year old division and broke the record by more than 10 minutes. This year he is going after Chad Beyer's record so things will be a little harder. But all the best to you young man.

Logan rode the event last year on the back of the tandem with Max. They were the first ever 13-14 year old duo to try such a thing, so they set a new record. This year Max is in Africa, in Niger, so Logan gets to contest for the jersey on his own this year.

The best to you both!!! Everyone who reads this send them good juju power.

Also check out the new face book page for more photos from last years event.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Good luck guys! And remember, have fun!
