Thanks everyone for a great meeting tonight.
I, along with the other coaches, am very excited about next season. We are planning to make it the best one in the history of El Grupo.
We are taking quite a bit of time to take the long view for this team. We want to ensure that everyone meets their full potential and is very excited to ride bikes when they move on to college or other endeavors in their lives.
I know that for some it is hard to "leave" certain races on the table, but I promise you all it is with the intent to have all of you show up next year way stronger then you would be this year, with full confidence that you can achieve your goals.
We are also very aware that not all of our riders want to race. THAT IS OK!! However we still expect the same-- that you come to practice, work hard, encourage your teammates, and participate in the team events.
As well we are very happy to answer anybodies questions about why we are doing what we are doing.
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